
Posted by Fruitarian Mango | 28.1.08

Rainbow Lorakeet feasting..Last night we watched this "one off" TV program called tribe..

Probably the most enjoyable show I've seen in a while.

It was a documentary, about this guy who decided to go and live with a tribe of cannibals in the middle of the jungle in western Papua New Guinee..

It really had me dreaming.. I know they were hunter/gatherers and didn't have the kind of habits that I would really feel to live with, but how would it be to come across a tribe of fruitarians living in the middle of the jungle.. Living simply, just foraging and playing.. Sounds pretty good to me!!

When I was living up at Mary Farms, off the Mt. Carbine road, Prem Dass and Dean used to tease me with stories of fruitarians living out in the hills.. I think they half believed in them themselves.. I used to go to my camp in the evenings (a tarpoline stretched between 2 trees, with a mattress under it) and dream of finding and joining them.. Come on universe! Let us leave Sydney soon!

