Another Sunny Day..

Posted by Fruitarian Mango | 10.1.08

OK.. hopefully I will feel more of an incentive to blog regularly now.

some days ago, the laptop screen stopped working. We ummed and ahh'ed over what to do about it, and eventually settled on buying a flat screen to attach to the laptop instead..

When we eventually got one, and I had it home and unpacked and ready to plug in, the laptop miraculously came on with the screen back to normal.. So we may have just wasted $250..

Oh well.. I guess if it has happened once, it will likely happen again, sooner or later, so at least we have a screen as backup now..

I've been down to the beach for a swim this morning.. It only takes me about 10 minutes or less to get there. The beach was deserted except for one man and his dog, and the water was very calm and warm, so I enjoyed 2 swims before returning home  with a couple of bags full of washed up seaweed for the garden.

Kveta has gone out for a dentist appointment.

All's well,

