The Way The Universe Works

Posted by Fruitarian Mango | 13.1.08

Hi all,

I've been having some realisations about cause and effect recently.. just kind of seeing more clearly how the world hangs together.. It's not always easy to be aware..

For instance, this morning didn't go too smoothly, I left the house at about 07:30, feeling a little upset, not fully really understanding why that was so..

Anyhow, I was on the way to the beach and stood firmly in a nest of thistles.. I don't know how it happened, normally I am very aware of where I plod my bared feet.. But I realised that it was because of my temporarily negative mind set..

Kveta's pointed out to me before, that I have a tendency,at times, to use my journal to complain.. - especially about her or us sometimes! And it's true, I have been known to use my journal to have a little whinge about whatever it is that is on my mind.. Sadly, this naturally just makes things worse though..

I guess, the thing is that when things are really flowing well, I have less need to unload things in my journal, and that's sad too, because it gives a one sided view, as mostly things are going well.. Much as I may have griped about my relationship and the occasional lacks of communication in it, the fact remains above all that Kveta is really a beautiful person, and that we do get on well together..

We may have differences of opinion at times, and respond to different situations in different ways, but that doesn't ever stop that I really believe that Kveta is a good person, and that I am happy she finally managed to persuad me to join her here.

I know at times I might appear judgmental with what I write too, and I guess I can't really deny that, because at times I am.. Actually, I think we are all judgmental to greater or lesser degrees.. But a lot of what I write is sort of tongue in cheek, and not really meant to be taken seriously or personally by anyone.. True, I do think the world has gone mad, and I would love nothing more than to stop it and get off, to leave the insane asylum, and move back to Eden.. But I recognise also that we are all here for a purpose, even if we don't fully recognise what that purpose might be, yet..

So just don't take me too seriously! Excepting of course on my fruitarian blog, that's all serious stuff.. excepting when I'm being humorous of course!.. And I hope that's noticeable!!

me sitting on yarra bay beach

We ate the first tomatoe from the bush this morning..

hugs for all,