A New Home For My Journal..

Posted by Fruitarian Mango | 10.1.08

I decided to make the switch to a blogspot blog. Up until today, my journal has been kept on my website (http://www.fruitnut.net), but for ease of use and updating, I've decided to start blogging here instead..

OK.. My names Mango, born 1961, I'm a fruitarian of long standing, and keep a fruitarian blog of random thoughts here: (http://mangodurian.blogspot.com). I live with my partner Kveta, born 1957, another fruitarian of long standing. - She keeps her Journal here: (http://fruitariankveta.blogspot.com). We're in Sydney, Australia at the moment. But hoping for that to change soon; - I'm currently waiting on a 2 year temporary residence permit, and we hope to be able to leave Sydney once it has been granted. (I've been waiting since August 2007!)

We share a similar dream of finding some land to live on in the tropics, and basically settle down and grow fruit trees/vines/bushes or whatever else fruit grows on..

We're thinking mostly of Far North Queensland, but possibly the Northern territories, or maybe even north western Australia.

We don't have money to buy land, but we're pretty sure we'll find a place to be with or without money. When the time's right.

Kveta's been living in Australia for over 22 years, so already has citizenship here (she's originally from the Czech Republic).

I'm originally from the UK.. Left Britain on my 21st birthday, and only in recent years have I been back there for more than a few weeks at a time..

Anyhow.. that's us in a nut shell..

Now back to the journal..


me and kveta in byron bay about 9 months ago..” title=