Money, Money, Money..

Posted by Fruitarian Mango | 20.1.08

The old money worries thing raised its ugly head again yesterday..

The car had to be taken in for it's yearly obligatory road check, and $750 worth of repair was needed.. Plus another $500 to renew it's papers for another year..

This sparked the old we really need the car? do we need the telephone? do we need the internet? Shouldn't we just get ourselves bikes instead?

And I think there's little doubt, that ultimately much of that is what we both want... Excepting that we are stuck in Sydney, and until we escape, I personally reckon the car should be kept.. If not only to make the eventual escape easier..

I guess my mind sunk into panic mode a little.. With me thinking I won't be able to survive on my savings, and that I really need to get myself some work or at least manifest some income to help pay the bills.. We've spent over $5000 on the car alone since last March!     

me admiring the view

I guess that, having money issues created some tension, I got a little confused in the Afternoon..For the first time since being in Australia, I for some reason decided to drink a little of my urine....I practised urine therapy on a regular basis for about 4 or 5 years, and stopped only shortly before coming to Australia..

For a long time I questioned it, but still continued.. I first started by being influenced by my old friend Ben LeBordais, a French instincto.. but somehow it always rubbed my common sense approach to diet up the wrong way.. I know there is a great movement out their, that swears by it, and I have noticed that at times when I had toothache, urine therapy would apparently offer some relief..

I guess yesterday I suddenly started wondering if it might give my arms some relief too.. And strangely enough, I have a slight feeling it may have done so. Although just a once off very small amount, it is difficult to know for sure..

Anyhow, the main problem with it is that I'm not alone anymore, I have a partner, and shortly after I drank it, Kveta turned her nose up in disgust, as I'm sure it could not have smelt too pleasantly coming from me.. Especially as yesterday was Friday, my fasting day, so the urine would have been stronger than normal..

Well, not to worry.. Life is but a test full of lessons..
