Practising My Norwegian..

Posted by Fruitarian Mango | 14.1.08

I've been exercising my Norwegian a little these past few days.. writing in a forum about fruitarianism.

There's one guy in there (Nikolai Torp Dragnes) seems very emotionally perturbed that I should suggest that it's possible to live on fruit alone.. He has classified me as illusional, mentally insane and a serial liar..

His standpoint is the classical pseudo scientific one.. I understand where he's coming from.. the whole of society (or most of it) has been brain washed into the protein mineral theory, and so many people take this view of that they know what the truth is because some sterile white smocked scientist has seen it under a microscope..

sometimes it is really difficult to know how best to present the argument for fruitarianism, in such a way that everyone can be satisfied with it.. I'm afraid I'm not the one that can tackle it from a pseudo scientific standpoint.. other than by attempting to show that nutritional science doesn't really know much at all yet..

Anyhow.. on another note.. I've created a 3rd blog to add to my list.. This time it's not about me, or fruitarianism, but rather about the czech language..

Learn Czech

I'm hoping to use it as a sort of incentive to hurry me along learning czech.. I've not been tackling it with my usual flair that I do for languages, but really feel a desire to master it..

anyhow, enough for today..

a brush turkey that crossed my path.. title=

hugs, Mango.

  1. Anonymous June 21, 2008 at 6:08 PM  

    haha now you made me register just t read the discussion... unfortunately, I can't find it.

  2. Fruitarian Mango June 22, 2008 at 8:56 AM  

    hi tornerose,
    once you have registered on the forum,and have logged in, you should then be able to click this link: Norwegian forum, and you should be taken straight to the discussion.

    regards, og klem,

  3. Anonymous June 22, 2008 at 1:41 PM  

    It says that "Det skjedde en feil. Du har ikke tilgang til denne seksjonen".

    Maybe i need to be verified as not beeing a bot or something first?

  4. Fruitarian Mango June 23, 2008 at 8:28 AM  

    Hi Tornerose,
    ys, that is the message I get too, - if I am not logged in!!

    You need to register, then log in, and only then will the link in this post work.. At least it works fine for me here!!

    (the thread is under: Andre emner / off-topic, and is called Fruktarianer. The last post made to the thread was: 02.03.2008 , 05:32:35 by someone called Maki, and the first post to that thread was on 27.09.2006 , 03:42:59 by vicci)

  5. Anonymous June 23, 2008 at 10:36 AM  

    Yeah tried logging in and then clicking it again, same thing, so I thought maybe it was because it opened in a new window, so i tried to paste your link after i was logged in, still couldn't get there.

    Now i've even tried to search up the word in the forum, and checking the posters replies. No luck.
    Even on your profile it says you have 18 posts, but when i tell it to show me your posts, it says you have none.

    This is turning into a pussling mystery for me. Ohwell though.
    Btw today you have been registered there for a year. Happy aniversary.

    Kos og klem

  6. Anonymous June 27, 2008 at 8:03 AM  

    works fine frommy side..there must be somekind of lockon the thread where onlythosethat participated can access it. sorry about that.

  7. Fruitarian Mango August 12, 2008 at 5:07 PM  

    Hi Torneose,

    I just copied the contents of the fruktarier thread from the norwegian forum to my blog..



  8. Anonymous August 18, 2008 at 5:26 PM  

    Ah I noticed. Thank you so much :)

    The weird thing is, NOW the link works, after all this trouble. If only I had checked again and not given up so soon...
    I probably had to be checked off in a box somewhere saying I'm not a robot then.

    I notice they have an interesting subdiscussion there in the beginning about plants and their ableness to feel pain.

    They are right about one thing though: It is hard to be fruitarian in Norway.