The Adventurer Within Me

Posted by Fruitarian Mango | 5.2.08

duriansEver since I was a small kid, I have dreamt of travelling and exploring..

As a teenager, I starting doing long summer trips through Europe, travelling by rail.. To begin with,together with a friend, but later alone, with occasional excursions well off the beaten track..

I always loved walking through forests, or scrambling up mountains.. heading to hilltops off the beaten track..

When I look back at my life so far, the events that stand out the most for me, are the time I spent homeless travelling around Europe on my bicycle.. (What an experience, waking up in the morning, and not really ever knowing which direction I was headed..

I loved every minute of it, and often day dream about doing something similar, one day, again)..

And 2ndly (but only chronologically!), the time I lived out in the Australian bush for a year and a half.. I had the time of my life.. My camp was about 5 minutes walk to the nearest dirt track.. And about an hour long walk along that before one hit a sealed road..

From that sealed road, a hitch to the nearest town took a good hour and a half.. sometimes 2 hours or more..

I was truly in my element. I was actually living on an old semi-abandoned fruit orchard.. There we had jackfruit growing, black sapote, white sapote, mangoes, bananas, akee, pawpaw,.. to name but a few of the fruits..

I only wish that I'd kept a journal back then, or at least had a camera and taken some pictures.. but alas, all that is left of that time, are fond memories..

We still didn't have enough to satisfy all my needs, so a weekly or sometimes fortnightly trip into town yielded me a box of avos or 2 and various other fruits that appealed on the day..

Recently I've been pining for such times again.. I know that there will be some, but I am getting impatient.. Kveta and I have been waiting for all this paper work to finish, and it is certainly taking its time..

Meanwhile, it hasn't helped that we've been watching some inspiring TV.. This "Tribe" show certainly has me fascinated.. there's the guy, Bruce, who is going around the world, living with the most out of the way tribes one can find (see my previous blog entry), and then we've been watching "The Long Way Round" with Ewan McGreggar.. He and his pal Charlie decided to bike from London to New York, via Russia and Mongolia/Kazakhstan.. Fascinating.. Last year they did London to South Africa too, but we've yet to watch that one..

Anyhow, that and watching reruns of Steve Irwin and some other Aussie adventurer, really have me dreaming..

I soo love to go places where others don't.. It's just an ingrained part of my nature.. The jungle fascinates me..

Oh how I dream of the earth covered in fruit trees, and for the ability to walk where i please without real land ownership or neurotically imposed borders! .. with an abundance of fruit in whichever direct I might head..

I dream of making videos of my travels, and exploring exotic fruit markets, discovering new fruits.. This one at least could be done. But much as I want to make the videos, I have to heal my arms first..

Which brings me back down to earth.. I am sitting on the carpet, using the laptop.. instead of climbing trees.. That's quite sad..

But I have faith that'll change. I'm full of faith.

More another day..

Mango the dreamer..

  1. Anonymous June 19, 2008 at 7:40 AM  

    That sounds amazing, Mango!
    Traveling, not knowing where you'll go, living in a fruit orchard. :)
    I felt so good in the wild, for the short times I visited
    ~ mm the air is so sweet! Yes, it would be so nice to be able to wander walk without imposed borders, freely climbing trees, having fun exploring :)
    It's invigorating to imagine. Hope your papers get sent through! Enjoy your adventures~

  2. Anonymous June 19, 2008 at 7:43 AM  

    Thanks Tinah,
    yes I hope those papers get here soon too.. It seems like we've been waiting for years.. May the adventure continue.. regards, Mango.

  3. Fruitarian Mango June 19, 2008 at 8:26 AM  

    Hi all,
    just to clarify.. The dates and times on all comments prior to this particular one, are wrong..

    I have just moved my blog to this spot, and in doing the transfer, the dates of the comments were lost (although the blog posts themselves are still correctly dated!)..

    So to make things clearer about my visa, it was granted on the 1st of April, and has given me permission to stay in Australia until August 2009, at which point, touch wood, I should be given a permanent residency visa..

    To ease the process of the paper work involved, Kveta and I will be staying in Sydney until that time.