Watermelon Juice Feast.

Posted by Fruitarian Mango | 7.2.08

Durians on the tree..Since Friday (1st Feb), We've been minimally eating.. 2 days of fasting, and now we are on just watermelon juice.. 2nd day today.. We are well stocked up with them..

On Monday, the 2nd day of fasting, I dropped off Kveta in Kingsford, so she could catch a bus into the city to see her friend.

On the way back, I pulled over and threw up. My stomach was empty, so not much came out. I felt pretty clear headed afterward, but on the way to pay the monthly phone bill, I had to throw up again..

Minor detox. I felt OK the rest of the day, although slightly more tired than normal.

I don't normally feel queasy like that on the 2nd day of a fast, but must have been something in there shifting around.

Anyhow, all's well today. We have a house full of watermelon, and no other fruit in it.. I think I counted 27 watermelon! Don't know how long we will stay on it for, but I'd guess at least for the week..
