Slow Moving Days..

Posted by Fruitarian Mango | 15.2.08

They (the days) seem to drift slowly past, but then suddenly I realise another month has gone by, and I get the opposite impression that things are moving really fast.. time wise..

Well.. they say time flies like an arrow, whereas fruit flies like a pineapple.

I got a telephone call from a movie extra casting agency yesterday. Looks like I may be getting a little "Extra" work in a movie being filmed here in Sydney called Wolverine, or Wolverines, or something like that.. Anyhow, I'm to go in for a wardrobe fitting on Monday.

It'll be a relief having a little cash coming in, even if it is just for a few hours work on one day.

I really wish that I didn't have to think about money at all.. That'd be nice.

We're missing the summer here. Lots of rainy days, and lesser temperatures, preventing us from enjoying the beach as we'd like and adding to the pressure of us being stuck in a place we'd ultimately rather be escaping from.

So yeah,days drift pretty uneventfully past.. We ate the first watermelon from the garden.. Now that was my size watermelon.. Cut in half it fitted snugly into the palm of the hand, and tasted very sweet.

The tomatoes from the garden we are still eating a bowl a day, but the plants are looking somewhat withered recently, so that season will be ending soon.

Fingers crossed, wish us luck, say a prayer or 2..

and hugs and smiles back at you.
