Movie Star

Posted by Fruitarian Mango | 3.3.08

me as an extra in an AFL adOK.. I signed up with an Extras agency back in September, about 5 months ago..

I didn't hear anything from them again until a couple of weeks or so back, when they called and asked me to turn up at Fox Studios for a costume fitting... That finally happened on the 25th of February, and on Friday night (29th Feb), I did a night shift at some park in Glebe..

The movie being filmed was something called Wolverine, I gather connected to another movie called Xmen, which apparently there have been 3 of, none of which I have really seen, although I vaguely recall watching bits of the first one.

Anyhow, it was a long night, from 18:00 to 04:30, and most of it was spent standing around waiting - which i gather is retty normal for this sort of thing..

My role, was to be a carnival stall holder, and just stand at the front of the stall with the air of trying to encourage people to come in and view whatever it was that I was supposed to be showing.. It was all set in the 70s I think, so dress was appropriate for the era..

i gave him a lift home after we were done for the dayThe star, Huge Ackman I think his name is, came onto the set briefly, but it seemed to me that the only shots filmed on the night were, with extras, and no other actors were present..I'm not sure if I got my face into any shots.. I Have a feeling I didn't, and if I did, it would be for no more than a fleeting second or so.. I would imagine that the whole night was spent filming just a few seconds of footage..


Actually, that wasn't the only work I had this week.. I was also called up to be an extra in an AFL advert (Australian Rugby). That was thursday.. I had to drive out to the middle of nowhere at 4 in the morning, and spent most of the day standing around in the rain, dressed in period costume from the 1860s.. I am pretty sure that my mug got it's fair share of being fully in the picture on that one....


So, finally a little paid work.. It's been a while.. I hope that I can get more Extra work, as it is pretty easy stuff..

Hugs to all,