
Posted by Fruitarian Mango | 28.1.08

Rainbow Lorakeet feasting..Last night we watched this "one off" TV program called tribe..

Probably the most enjoyable show I've seen in a while.

It was a documentary, about this guy who decided to go and live with a tribe of cannibals in the middle of the jungle in western Papua New Guinee..

It really had me dreaming.. I know they were hunter/gatherers and didn't have the kind of habits that I would really feel to live with, but how would it be to come across a tribe of fruitarians living in the middle of the jungle.. Living simply, just foraging and playing.. Sounds pretty good to me!!

When I was living up at Mary Farms, off the Mt. Carbine road, Prem Dass and Dean used to tease me with stories of fruitarians living out in the hills.. I think they half believed in them themselves.. I used to go to my camp in the evenings (a tarpoline stretched between 2 trees, with a mattress under it) and dream of finding and joining them.. Come on universe! Let us leave Sydney soon!



The Garden's Progressing..

Posted by Fruitarian Mango | 24.1.08

We've just had a few days of rain, and yesterday afternoon the sun came out.. the garden has really taken off, everything is growing and flowering, even fruiting, nicely.. We are eating tomatoes from the garden most days.. It hasn't really started producing them fully yet, but we manage to share 4 or 5 or more a day.. (they're cherry tomatoes - see picture below) 

tomatoes in the garden

- They are so very sweet and melt in your mouth..There're heaps of tomatoes on the plant, and now the sun is back I expect to be harvesting even more each day..

We have also eaten the first peas, the plants are still small, but have already given us 2 or 3 pods.. the peas are also very very sweet!

The watermelons are just spreading out everywhere, tonnes of flowers on them, and yesterday I discovered a little watermelon growing.. (pictured)

watermelon growing in the garden

It's just tiny still, fits in the palm of my hand.. there are possibly/probably more, but difficult to know for sure as the foliage would be hiding them..

The cucumber plants are stretching skyward, I've put a couple of guide ropes in for them to hold on to. They are all looking healthy..

There're some dwarf roma tomatoes flowering too, and I've just planted some more tomato seedlings to keep us going throughout the season.

The chilli plants are looking good too.

And 2 avocado trees have sprouted from underground.. Shame we can't grow them for real, because after we leave, they will almost certainly be uprooted.

Well.. Ciao for now..

Hugs, Mango.

Money, Money, Money..

Posted by Fruitarian Mango | 20.1.08

The old money worries thing raised its ugly head again yesterday..

The car had to be taken in for it's yearly obligatory road check, and $750 worth of repair was needed.. Plus another $500 to renew it's papers for another year..

This sparked the old we really need the car? do we need the telephone? do we need the internet? Shouldn't we just get ourselves bikes instead?

And I think there's little doubt, that ultimately much of that is what we both want... Excepting that we are stuck in Sydney, and until we escape, I personally reckon the car should be kept.. If not only to make the eventual escape easier..

I guess my mind sunk into panic mode a little.. With me thinking I won't be able to survive on my savings, and that I really need to get myself some work or at least manifest some income to help pay the bills.. We've spent over $5000 on the car alone since last March!     

me admiring the view

I guess that, having money issues created some tension, I got a little confused in the Afternoon..For the first time since being in Australia, I for some reason decided to drink a little of my urine....I practised urine therapy on a regular basis for about 4 or 5 years, and stopped only shortly before coming to Australia..

For a long time I questioned it, but still continued.. I first started by being influenced by my old friend Ben LeBordais, a French instincto.. but somehow it always rubbed my common sense approach to diet up the wrong way.. I know there is a great movement out their, that swears by it, and I have noticed that at times when I had toothache, urine therapy would apparently offer some relief..

I guess yesterday I suddenly started wondering if it might give my arms some relief too.. And strangely enough, I have a slight feeling it may have done so. Although just a once off very small amount, it is difficult to know for sure..

Anyhow, the main problem with it is that I'm not alone anymore, I have a partner, and shortly after I drank it, Kveta turned her nose up in disgust, as I'm sure it could not have smelt too pleasantly coming from me.. Especially as yesterday was Friday, my fasting day, so the urine would have been stronger than normal..

Well, not to worry.. Life is but a test full of lessons..


Further Visa Application Delays..

Posted by Fruitarian Mango | 18.1.08

Yeah, I clearly didn't do too well explaining myself the other day on that forum I mentioned in my last post.. It played on my mind a little, and I had to remind myself that it really doesn't matter.. People make their own choices, and reach their own conclusions, and I guess that's to be expected.. And even when we don't agree with each others view points, that should be ok too..

It'd be nice to be able to change the world, but in the absence of such an omnipotent ability, the best we can do is work on our own mini worlds..

Think positive, and smile at the world.. - even if we do perceive it as being screwed up.. We're all here to learn, and we all have the ability to do so..

Anyhow.. we've been picking and eating the tomatoes from the garden.. so yummy..

I spotted a small avocado tree growing amongst the tomatoes this morning.. I'm so looking forward to being somewhere where we can finally actually encourage the trees to grow..

Today's overcast with less temperature, so we never made it to the beach this morning.

My visa application has been delayed even further.. Apparantly the AoS papers from Sui in Perth went missing..  When will we get a concrete positive answer?

Hugs til soon..

Practising My Norwegian..

Posted by Fruitarian Mango | 14.1.08

I've been exercising my Norwegian a little these past few days.. writing in a forum about fruitarianism.

There's one guy in there (Nikolai Torp Dragnes) seems very emotionally perturbed that I should suggest that it's possible to live on fruit alone.. He has classified me as illusional, mentally insane and a serial liar..

His standpoint is the classical pseudo scientific one.. I understand where he's coming from.. the whole of society (or most of it) has been brain washed into the protein mineral theory, and so many people take this view of that they know what the truth is because some sterile white smocked scientist has seen it under a microscope..

sometimes it is really difficult to know how best to present the argument for fruitarianism, in such a way that everyone can be satisfied with it.. I'm afraid I'm not the one that can tackle it from a pseudo scientific standpoint.. other than by attempting to show that nutritional science doesn't really know much at all yet..

Anyhow.. on another note.. I've created a 3rd blog to add to my list.. This time it's not about me, or fruitarianism, but rather about the czech language..

Learn Czech

I'm hoping to use it as a sort of incentive to hurry me along learning czech.. I've not been tackling it with my usual flair that I do for languages, but really feel a desire to master it..

anyhow, enough for today..

a brush turkey that crossed my path.. title=

hugs, Mango.

The Way The Universe Works

Posted by Fruitarian Mango | 13.1.08

Hi all,

I've been having some realisations about cause and effect recently.. just kind of seeing more clearly how the world hangs together.. It's not always easy to be aware..

For instance, this morning didn't go too smoothly, I left the house at about 07:30, feeling a little upset, not fully really understanding why that was so..

Anyhow, I was on the way to the beach and stood firmly in a nest of thistles.. I don't know how it happened, normally I am very aware of where I plod my bared feet.. But I realised that it was because of my temporarily negative mind set..

Kveta's pointed out to me before, that I have a tendency,at times, to use my journal to complain.. - especially about her or us sometimes! And it's true, I have been known to use my journal to have a little whinge about whatever it is that is on my mind.. Sadly, this naturally just makes things worse though..

I guess, the thing is that when things are really flowing well, I have less need to unload things in my journal, and that's sad too, because it gives a one sided view, as mostly things are going well.. Much as I may have griped about my relationship and the occasional lacks of communication in it, the fact remains above all that Kveta is really a beautiful person, and that we do get on well together..

We may have differences of opinion at times, and respond to different situations in different ways, but that doesn't ever stop that I really believe that Kveta is a good person, and that I am happy she finally managed to persuad me to join her here.

I know at times I might appear judgmental with what I write too, and I guess I can't really deny that, because at times I am.. Actually, I think we are all judgmental to greater or lesser degrees.. But a lot of what I write is sort of tongue in cheek, and not really meant to be taken seriously or personally by anyone.. True, I do think the world has gone mad, and I would love nothing more than to stop it and get off, to leave the insane asylum, and move back to Eden.. But I recognise also that we are all here for a purpose, even if we don't fully recognise what that purpose might be, yet..

So just don't take me too seriously! Excepting of course on my fruitarian blog, that's all serious stuff.. excepting when I'm being humorous of course!.. And I hope that's noticeable!!

me sitting on yarra bay beach

We ate the first tomatoe from the bush this morning..

hugs for all,

The First Red Tomato

Posted by Fruitarian Mango | 12.1.08

Of the tomatoes I planted in the garden, the biggest one of them all has about 40 or so tomatoes growing on it.. the first one is just turning red..

the first red tomatoe

It's fun watching them grow..  The garden is getting covered with the melon vines, there's a cute row of cucumbers getting their 2nd and 3rd sets of leaves, there's a few chilli plants, some expectant capsicums (seeds in the ground, not yet out yet),  and some sweet peas.. Anyhow.. apart from the garden, it's good swimming in the sea weather at the moment.

- Most mornings I try and make it there if weather permits..

What else can I tell you?  well.. I got an email from my old friend Helen..  I haven't really heard much from her since I've been in Australia..  Mind you, I haven't been in touch with her myself really either.. I guess I can get a little irked that she never really tells me what she is doing with her life, but always has an email full of questions about what I am up to.. After all, most of what stands out is written in my journal..

Well.. it's nearl 09:00.. I'm just going to check on Kveta and see if she's up for our swim..


Another Sunny Day..

Posted by Fruitarian Mango | 10.1.08

OK.. hopefully I will feel more of an incentive to blog regularly now.

some days ago, the laptop screen stopped working. We ummed and ahh'ed over what to do about it, and eventually settled on buying a flat screen to attach to the laptop instead..

When we eventually got one, and I had it home and unpacked and ready to plug in, the laptop miraculously came on with the screen back to normal.. So we may have just wasted $250..

Oh well.. I guess if it has happened once, it will likely happen again, sooner or later, so at least we have a screen as backup now..

I've been down to the beach for a swim this morning.. It only takes me about 10 minutes or less to get there. The beach was deserted except for one man and his dog, and the water was very calm and warm, so I enjoyed 2 swims before returning home  with a couple of bags full of washed up seaweed for the garden.

Kveta has gone out for a dentist appointment.

All's well,



A New Home For My Journal..

Posted by Fruitarian Mango | 10.1.08

I decided to make the switch to a blogspot blog. Up until today, my journal has been kept on my website (, but for ease of use and updating, I've decided to start blogging here instead..

OK.. My names Mango, born 1961, I'm a fruitarian of long standing, and keep a fruitarian blog of random thoughts here: ( I live with my partner Kveta, born 1957, another fruitarian of long standing. - She keeps her Journal here: ( We're in Sydney, Australia at the moment. But hoping for that to change soon; - I'm currently waiting on a 2 year temporary residence permit, and we hope to be able to leave Sydney once it has been granted. (I've been waiting since August 2007!)

We share a similar dream of finding some land to live on in the tropics, and basically settle down and grow fruit trees/vines/bushes or whatever else fruit grows on..

We're thinking mostly of Far North Queensland, but possibly the Northern territories, or maybe even north western Australia.

We don't have money to buy land, but we're pretty sure we'll find a place to be with or without money. When the time's right.

Kveta's been living in Australia for over 22 years, so already has citizenship here (she's originally from the Czech Republic).

I'm originally from the UK.. Left Britain on my 21st birthday, and only in recent years have I been back there for more than a few weeks at a time..

Anyhow.. that's us in a nut shell..

Now back to the journal..


me and kveta in byron bay about 9 months ago..” title=