Last thursday, 28th May, Kveta sprouted metal wings and faster than the speed of sound, flew toward the czech republic..

Her mum was there to pick her up from the airport, and drive her to the sleepy village of Valy where the rest of her family live, not too far from the German border.

So, that leaves me home alone to fend the fort.. It feels a little empty without kvetas presence and although I enjoy spending time alone, I'm naturally missing her too..

And these are slow lazy days, raining and windy out, with occasional patches of sunshine that I take advantage of by walking the local golf courses in search of strayed golf balls hidden in the bushes and long grass.

Today the counsel housing maintenance crew are visiting, doing some work in our small one bedroom flat.. Changes the locks on windows, painting a moldy ceiling and a few other odd bits, so the windows are all fully open right now, and it feels like winter inside.. (Winter officially got started 2 days ago - 1st June is the first day of summer here, down under).. and I can tell you, once more, I am soooo looking forward to leaving this place behind and heading north into the sunshine..

I'm thinking a lot about that lately.. Sydney is so not the place either of us really wish to be in, but due to the insanity of the world, it's a necessary hindrance while waiting impatiently for paperwork to clear.

Crow eyeing our durian jealously

The car needs work on it still. The front windscreen needs replacing after getting cracked while a friend attempted to fix a leaky roof, and there's definitely some electrical problem as the battery keeps running flat if not used for 24 hours or more..

Anyhow, I don't think I've much else to report today.. All's otherwise well.

Hugs to the world,

  1. Anonymous June 8, 2009 at 5:00 AM  

    Faster than the speed of sound???? Which plane did she use?

  2. Fruitarian Mango June 8, 2009 at 7:59 PM  

    hi anonymous.. ok, you got me there smarty.. She never flew in a concord.. probably about 70 to 80% the speed of sound.. Or maybe I should have written "faster than the speed of sound in Boron".
    How's life in India?

  3. Anonymous June 9, 2009 at 8:01 PM  

    Lifes fine in India. Trying to cut down on milk product consumption and increase fruit intake. Hope you get your permanent visa soon ... and spread the message of peace amongst those curry bashing felas! ;)