Scrap Metal Recycling..

Posted by Fruitarian Mango | 28.6.08

We have this neighbour, his name's Michael..

Like most people around this area (we are living in government housing/council flat), he is on the pension, and thus has a lot of free time on his hands.

He makes a bit of spare pocket money, by keeping his eyes open for any bits of thrown away and abandoned scrap metals,and collects them to take to a scrap metal recycling depot not far from where we live here in Sydney.

Anyhow, the other day, he took me along for the ride, and showed me where he goes with whatever he manages to collect...

This set me to thinking that perhaps I could be doing the same thing..

Finding work has not been easy, and I'm continuously plagued with money concerns.. So I decided to check the bins around us, and look for tin cans from drinks..

So many of them just end up in land fills, so environmentally it's a great little task for me to pursue.. So far, I've put about 1 and a half hours effort into it, and collected about 4 kilograms of cans..

The going rate for aluminum is about $2000 per tonne, so I've just figured I must have about $2s worth..

Enough for 2 avos..

Shoot.. there must be an easier way for me to manifest money..

Meanwhile.. being winter already, the temperature has dropped at night times and early mornings, and not having any central heating of any kind, it is now a common occurrence to see us huddled up with hot water bottles..

Oh..we are both so much looking forward to heading north into the tropics, and impatient for september '09 to arrive with my paperwork all wrapped up and processed.


  1. Anonymous June 29, 2008 at 1:50 AM  

    i read somewhere that you do reiki healing. Can't you start up a healing pracsis and thereby get clients?

  2. Fruitarian Mango July 2, 2008 at 9:28 AM  

    Hi Tornerose,
    Yes, I was initiated into level 1 of Reiki some years back, but lack both experience and confidence to be using it in any way at all professionally..

    Ideally I'd like to be on a piece of land out in the country, and healing people by juices and education.. But that can't happen until we leave Sydney.. Meanwhile, stuck here, I am still uncertain what to do for some income.. being reluctant to take on a full time job, wear shoes, get a hair cut.. None of those things help the situation, but I do remain optimistic that I'll survive intact and eventually fulfill my destiny.. :)


  3. Anonymous July 4, 2008 at 4:17 AM  

    I know you will get what you want :) It just takes time, and unfortunately time needs money.

    Could you do lessions on rawfood and/or fruitarianism for money? I'm sure there must be alternative fairs there who'd like a skilled person who's living proof of what they're talking about.