More on the memory card and immigration

Posted by Fruitarian Mango | 11.7.09

That memory card for the camera never turned up. The seller didn't answer my emails, and a little research showed me that he/she had disappeared from Ebay.

Looking back toward the mainland from the island

I presumed that I had been scammed, and after contacting help on ebay, initiated a refund request via paypal...

Shortly after, I ordered another card, this time slightly smaller, but still a pretty chunky 16gb, also through Ebay..

Looking out to sea

Anyhow, I'd counted my losses on the first card, figuring that it's unlikely that paypal would ever refund me as the seller appeared to have disappeared from paypal too.. But then, to my surprise, yesterday morning I got another email from the original seller saying a new card is in the post..

Well, I'm not holding my breath, but possibly there are 2 memory cards on their way here..

Walking on our local little island

As for the immigration stuff, I'm not sure if I said before, but we're having to delay sending any of the paperwork in until Kveta gets back..

This because some of the forms have to be signed by a witness, so not really possible for Kveta to get done overseas.. Kveta gets back on the 30th of this month, 19 days from now, and the forms have to be in by the 3rd of August, so just enough time, and once more it'll be such a relief to get them done fully and sent in.

We may not be able to leave Sydney as quickly as we'd hoped as it looks like it can take up to 3 months more before I am told one way or another whether I can stay..

Next to an old shipwreck

I think it would break my heart if I was told to leave,  and I have no idea what would happen if that were to be the case, so I'm choosing not to go there.. Instead, on the bright side, even if it takes them another 3 months to give me an answer, the official date of my full residency would still be in mid August this year.. I already know that if all goes well, I will apply for citizenship as soon as I am able. Not exactly sure if that would be 2, or 3, years after the granting of my full residency..

Kveta is currently in some small town called decin (still in czech rep), visiting her aunt (mother's sister), and on some weekend course for drawing.. She gets back to her parents place on monday, and because of time difference, I'll not be talking to her until Tuesday morning her time (early evening my time)..

Nothing much else to report.

hugs for all,