Seems like summer's here..

Posted by Fruitarian Mango | 4.10.08

I guess any of you that follow kvetas blog know that she arrived back safe and well, and that we have been enjoying some hot beach days, braving it into the cold sea..

The sudden change in seasons, accompanied by some brief rain showers has really added some zest to our little garden, everything is growing so fast, and if things go to plan, I'm hoping that we'll be well stocked with tomatoes throughout the coming months..

I need to get some cucumbers started too, and maybe a few capsicums as well..

I'm so looking forward to moving north to the tropics, and getting an abundance of pawpaw and passion fruit growing.. both grow fast in the tropics, and should be yielding quite easily within 2 years.. sooner if they are well cared for.

I know summer has not officially started here yet, but we've already had several 30 degree plus days, and the forecast is that it will be a hot one this year.. which reminds me that I mustn't forget to get some melons in the ground too.. I think I'm going to just go for rock melons this year.. we had a fair few watermelon last year, but they weren't the sweetest, whereas the one or 2 rockies we had were very tasty.

I'm doing a lot less on the computer these days, decided to stop concentrating on my blogs, and be outside more. A good decision.

The one thing that I do need to get done, and that has taken me far too long already, is that darned book I'm always postponing. The truth is I started on it again in August, and worked on it some up until the laptop crashed on me, but I've not looked at it since then.. I think I'm still floating around 100 pages so far.

my sort of job , recycling scrap metal yields all kinds of treasures.. It's amazing what people throw out, it really is.. I may have already said, I found a TV discarded that's big and would have cost several hundred dollars new, that we are using now, that woks just fine.. I've found several mobile phones, at least one of which works as the recharger was discarded with it.. Of course, they are lacking functional sim cards, but if ever I decide to get a mobile, one of the ones I've found will probably do me just fine..

Yeah, there's all kinds of good stuff to be had from the bins, I'm just hanging out to find a bag full of money we can use to buy prime tropical land in Far North Queensland for fruit tree growing. I'm sure that that happens every now and again..
