Avocado trees new chance

Posted by Fruitarian Mango | 8.7.08

Avocado treeSome time ago, Kveta and I tried to plant some fruit trees on a communal lawn outside our flat.. .. Sadly without success as one particular neighbour decided to pull them all out..

Persistently, I tried several times with fruit trees we had grown from seed, but all of them were pulled out.

Kveta always suspected one particular neighbour who had a history of doing stuff like that, so although we never actually saw who did it, we were pretty convinced it was her..

Anyhow, another neighbour informed us a few days ago that the woman we thought was pulling the trees out had passed away.. Cancer of some kind..She wasn't particularly old, probably just early 50s..

So, it's sad that it took someone to die before any small trees we put out may stand a chance of survival, but that seems to be the reality of things..

A couple of days ago, I stuck another avocado tree in the ground..

avocado tree
Avocado tree

It's watered and mulched well with leaf mulch, seaweed collected from the beach and some straw mixed with manure of some kind that has been dumped on a local waste ground.. and last night was rainy wet, so it's looking very happy at the moment..

If this get doesn't get pulled up, it'll no doubt be the first of many.. what fun!!

baby avocado tree


  1. Anonymous July 9, 2008 at 1:13 AM  

    That really is unfortunate about the neighbor. However, best wishes to you for your fruit trees! How very exciting! :D I hope your remaining neighbors will appreciate and respect these wonderful plants as you do.

  2. Fruitarian Mango July 15, 2008 at 3:54 PM  

    Hi Harmony,
    yes, it was very unfortunate with the neighbour.. but I'm pleased to say that the trees are being left alone now, and today I spoke with the son of that neighbour and he seemed really relaxed and understood his mother had issues and I didn't feel at all that he may be a threat to any new trees I put out..
