New Fruit Trees

Posted by Fruitarian Mango | 29.7.08

Rainbow Lorakeet in Loquat tree
Rainbow Lorakeet in Loquat treeWell..Sunday (2 days ago), was national plant a (fruit) tree day..

I did my bit my putting out a longan tree, and an orange tree.. Mulching and fertilizing them with seaweed..

They're looking great.. And last night we had a pretty torrential downpour, so the ground is well watered, and a quick trip visiting them this morning showed they are happy.

This is a mango tree I put out a week or so ago:

DSC05727.JPG by you.

And this is the Orange tree from Sunday..

DSC05728.JPG by you.

Not much is happening here.. Kveta is leaving me in just a few days time.. She's flying to the Czech Republic to see her family there... Getting back in mid September..

So I'll be left alone to hold the fort..

I'm hoping to do some writing..

DSC05718.JPG by you.


My New Friend..

Posted by Fruitarian Mango | 15.7.08

Australian MagpieI was walking out the back from where we live yesterday.. on a rather large piece of wasteland.. Actually, I was on a mission..filling up some plastics bags with some decomposing straw mix that someone has dumped there..

I'm using the mulch in the garden, and around the fruit trees I am planting round the place.. (I hope I can safely say that the trees are pretty safe now, and have not been pulled up.. There's a total of 5 that've been given new homes so far.. 4 avocado trees and 1 mulberry tree.. There was a mango tree too, but that seems to have disappeared, but I believe that was just weather or mistakenly trodden on or something)..

Australian Magpie

Anyhow, where was I? .. Oh yes I was over in the field collecting the straw, when I spotted this magpie who seemed very curious to what I was up to..

I dropped what I was doing, and turned my attention to him, as he seemed real friendly and inquisitive.. He came right close to me when I talked to him, and stood practically just a couple of feet away from me, almost letting me touch him.


Anyhow, I left with the bags, and he flew, hopped behind me, following me, and I wondered to myself if he would let me photograph him..

I returned home to fetch the camera, and on arrival back in the field, I called out to him (or her? I must admit I'm no ornithologist), and from a tree, he flew back to meet me, landing just a meter from my feet...

And yes, appeared quite content with me taking some pictures..


I returned to the field again today, to get more mulch, and was once more greeted by (I believe) the same magpie..

Reminds me of the cockatoo I befriended in far north queensland some 10 or 11 years ago..


Avocado trees new chance

Posted by Fruitarian Mango | 8.7.08

Avocado treeSome time ago, Kveta and I tried to plant some fruit trees on a communal lawn outside our flat.. .. Sadly without success as one particular neighbour decided to pull them all out..

Persistently, I tried several times with fruit trees we had grown from seed, but all of them were pulled out.

Kveta always suspected one particular neighbour who had a history of doing stuff like that, so although we never actually saw who did it, we were pretty convinced it was her..

Anyhow, another neighbour informed us a few days ago that the woman we thought was pulling the trees out had passed away.. Cancer of some kind..She wasn't particularly old, probably just early 50s..

So, it's sad that it took someone to die before any small trees we put out may stand a chance of survival, but that seems to be the reality of things..

A couple of days ago, I stuck another avocado tree in the ground..

avocado tree
Avocado tree

It's watered and mulched well with leaf mulch, seaweed collected from the beach and some straw mixed with manure of some kind that has been dumped on a local waste ground.. and last night was rainy wet, so it's looking very happy at the moment..

If this get doesn't get pulled up, it'll no doubt be the first of many.. what fun!!

baby avocado tree


Commencing another juice feast..

Posted by Fruitarian Mango | 5.7.08

Yesterday was my weekly fasting day. Giving my body a welcome break from eating and digesting.

Today, Kveta and I have decided to start another juice feast.. As always,we have no fixed plan for how long it will go for, but experience shows that we normally continue for about 9 or so days..

This time we have a varied selection of fruit in the house, and will be starting by using up the more heavy stuff.. Tomatoes, cucumbers, avocados, pineapples and bananas.. When they are gone, we'll probably be moving on to just mono orange juices..

As always, too, I'll be posting a summary of the days in my fruitarian blog, some days after we finish..

It's been a quiet week here. Not much happening.The broad beans are flowering in the garden,and due to the chilled weather, hot water bottles are frequently refilled.

Red Ruffed Lemur
