Scrap Metal Recycling..

Posted by Fruitarian Mango | 28.6.08

We have this neighbour, his name's Michael..

Like most people around this area (we are living in government housing/council flat), he is on the pension, and thus has a lot of free time on his hands.

He makes a bit of spare pocket money, by keeping his eyes open for any bits of thrown away and abandoned scrap metals,and collects them to take to a scrap metal recycling depot not far from where we live here in Sydney.

Anyhow, the other day, he took me along for the ride, and showed me where he goes with whatever he manages to collect...

This set me to thinking that perhaps I could be doing the same thing..

Finding work has not been easy, and I'm continuously plagued with money concerns.. So I decided to check the bins around us, and look for tin cans from drinks..

So many of them just end up in land fills, so environmentally it's a great little task for me to pursue.. So far, I've put about 1 and a half hours effort into it, and collected about 4 kilograms of cans..

The going rate for aluminum is about $2000 per tonne, so I've just figured I must have about $2s worth..

Enough for 2 avos..

Shoot.. there must be an easier way for me to manifest money..

Meanwhile.. being winter already, the temperature has dropped at night times and early mornings, and not having any central heating of any kind, it is now a common occurrence to see us huddled up with hot water bottles..

Oh..we are both so much looking forward to heading north into the tropics, and impatient for september '09 to arrive with my paperwork all wrapped up and processed.


New Blogspot Home for my Journal..

Posted by Fruitarian Mango | 20.6.08

Yeah, I did try to keep my journal attached to my main website, but since I've been using Flock as my browser, I've just found it so easy to update my blog on blogspot, and have missed not being able to do the same with my fruitnut journal blog too.. hence it's here now, and can now be maintained and updated simply and smoothly from Flock..

I decided, as there were not so many posts on the other blog, that I would move them all here, and have just completed that process.. The only things that didn't really come out as they should have done, are the comments, which got dated with the date of transfer, not the original dates..

Well. Glad that's over..

So on to other things..

Life's good.. Kveta and I have just done 9 days on juices (see: Juice Feasting - June 2008).. Great stuff..  Orange juices for me, and Grape juices for Kveta.. No difficulties, good and beneficial experience  as always.

Me and Amelia on the beach
This is a little picture of me and me niece
 playing in the sand on a beach in spain..

But we're back on the durians now..Durians, tomatoes, pineapples, grapefruit, bananas, avocados, oranges and apples.. I think that about sums up what's currently in the house..

For the past couple of months, I've been making juices daily for our nextdoor neighbour who is morbidly obese.. She's still eating all the other junk that she has become accustomed to, but including the juices is hopefully making her eat less of it. The result is the last 2 times she has gone to be weighed, she has lost 2kgs..

Perhaps it wasn't the right thing for me to do, but I told her I lost 5kgs in the last 10 days, from drinking just orange juice.. I was trying to make her see how quick she could regain a normal weight if she did the right thing..  But whatever, 4kgs loss is still a big thing for her, as prior to starting on the juices, she was not losing at all (probably the opposite).. Now with the juices, it's helping her to go to the bathroom, something she surely wasn't doing regularly with constant constipation she suffers with..

hugs to all,

The Art of Darts and Dying

Posted by Fruitarian Mango | 10.6.08

How fortunate am I, to not be the guy in the picture below..

Though, strangely enough.. How fortunate am I to be that guy.. too..

If that's confused you, I'd better explain..

You see, that really is me, just over a week ago, I was fortunate enough to be offered a featured extra role in a 10 minute short film that's being made here in Sydney.. It's being called "The Art of Darts and Dying" and is basically a short story, taking place in the 1970s about some guy called Terry who's basically squandered his life away, playing darts, drinking beer, gambling and smoking.. Meanwhile neglecting his wife and family and getting in to large debt.

He seizes a chance to get out of trouble by agreeing to play a single game of darts against the devil. And looses.

The whole film takes place within a pub (the Hollywood Hotel in Sydney CBD).

My role, was to be a wheelchair bound, regular pub going, down and out, smoking, drinking, pokey machine addict.. So throughout pretty much most of the story, I have my face glued to the hypnotic glowing lights of the one-armed-bandit machines..

- And that's the guy I'm so so fortunate not to be..

There were some years, when I was a regular pub goer and beer drinker.. Never a smoker, but certainly taking in my fair share of passive smoke from fellow pub going regulars..

..So here I am, thanking the Divine, that I have had insight enough to see through the haze of smoke and intoxicated blood, to realise that things can be very different.

I'm sooo glad, instead, to be a clean living, nature loving, fruit juicing fruitarian.

PS the featured extra work was for 2 weeks only, so officially I am unemployed again.
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