Kveta back soon..

Posted by Fruitarian Mango | 1.7.10

Less than a week now until Kveta gets back here.. She's been gone far too long.

Meanwhile I've been hanging out here, visiting Fruitopia twice a week for a bath in the creek.. I find the water there so much more appealing than our "on tap" water which is sadly mightily chlorinated and smells like a swimming pool..

I'm sure that it must have an effect on the stuff we're growing in the garden, although to be honest, I'm not able to notice that effect.. The cucumbers we've grown are simply delicious..

I've been watching some Derren Brown videos recently..

That guy is simply soo good at whatever it is he's doing.. If you don't know him, he's this English stage performer who works his own brand of mind reading, hypnotic, magic tricks.. I think he really has an ability to get inside the mind of others, including the audience..

He claims to have no psychic powers what-so-ever, and everything is slight of hand, cold reading, NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), PWA (Perception Without Awareness), hypnotism, mentalism and showmanship. I think I've a rough understanding of some of what he does, but other things he manages to pull off I have absolutely no idea about..

In the show I just watched, he manages to get some elderly lady who doesn't play poker, to go up against 5 of the countries top poker players..

Before she does this, she spends a little over a week with Derren, where he trains her for the event.. The result.. she manages to nearly come first out 6 contestants.. Well, she came 2nd, but only because an unlucky card was dealt at the end.. Experts seemed to think that she would have absolutely no chance against the guys she was up against..

In a similar show I've seen previously, he manages in 1 single week to teach this girl to play the piano at such a level that at the end of the week she plays in front of a live audience, at a very high level.. Her training was all done without her even touching the piano once before hand.. Now explain that one!
