Airport trip..

Posted by Fruitarian Mango | 11.7.10

Last Tuesday, Květa flew back into Cairns again.

I figured as her flight landing wasn't scheduled until 18:50, I'd head into Cairns earlier and find a durian or 2 for us to share on her arrival.. However, I guess that just wasn't meant to be, as although I tried 5 or 6 different places, all of them were out of stock.. Bit of a let down as I'd really been looking forward to a durian again, - that creamy sweet deliciousness..

I did, however, manage to score some really yummy longan fruits to share..

Fruitopia Swimming Hole

Anyhow, time on my hands still, I'd also prearranged to meet Venant.. He's this raw vegan guy we met at fruitopia after that 80/10/10 gathering that Harley and Freelee organized in December last year (ended shortly before our arrival in the tropics)..

Venant's also famous worldwide for his role in decapitating Xena.. Yep.. He's the Samurai Ninja that finally beheaded the iconic warrior princess, appearing in the last 2 episodes of the long running TV show.. I have to confess that I've actually seen an episode once or twice, although only coincidently as it was never a show I was in to..

So we met up around 17:30, and spent an hour or so together chatting. He's currently doing a juice thing, and I think he said it was his 14th day on just juices on that day we met.. He's a great balanced guy with his wits about him, and delightful company.. a pleasure meeting up with him again.

He made me a delicious fresh apple juice, and soon afterwards I was headed on to the airport..

I must have got there at roughly the same time as Květas plane landed.. around 18:50, and by 18:55 I was in the airport lounge waiting to meet and great her..

We had our trusty little mobile phones with us that spend most of their times turned off or discharged, but this time were both battery loaded and on.. She rang me within minutes of me getting in to the airport to let me know that she would be last to leave the plane because they'd be pushing her in a wheel chair..

Anyhow, we were soon in each others arms again, after her too long sojourn elsewhere, (zlobila jsi mně K! - byla jsi pryč  aš moc dlouho!).

We weren't able to leave the airport immediately as Květa had her own wheelchair with her as luggage that we had to first wait for and pick up. But it didn't take long really, and we were soon in the trusty car driving back up the range toward our temporary stepping stone home in Mareeba..

Munching on longans on the way up and both feeling glad to be homeward bound..

Photo taken an hour before driving down to Cairns to pick up Květa

Květa was, and still is feeling a little run down from all her travelling, and her sleeping pattern isn't full back to normal yet, but will no doubt soon be, and I'm sure she'll be updating her own blog again sooner or later.. Letting you all know what she's been up to..

We were at Mareeba Markets together yesterday and fully stacked up with fruit for the coming week..

Papaya, pineapple, tomatoe, cucumber, pumpkin (yes, we haven't done this much before, but we really like them fresh juiced together with tomatoes!), oranges, rockmelon and the infamous chocolate pudding fruit(!).. yum!

Hugs to all,