Time flies, fruit flies..

Posted by Fruitarian Mango | 20.12.08

I realise I'm not recording my thoughts anywhere near as much as I once did, and I kind of miss doing that.. But having said that, this is by no means a statement of intention to change that.. My days just seem to be full with other things lately.

Preparing for our weekly market stall seems to take all week, and we have really been made aware of just how small our apartment is.. I'm out most mornings, finding things to sell..Treasures from other peoples rubbish.. And rarely does a day pass, where I don't find something of some value.

We've currently got 2 portable TVs in good working order, plus 3 electrical fans, a good computer chair, books, bags and bags of clothing, pots, pans, toys, pictures.. The list goes on and on and on, and we are really struggling to keep things in some degree of order.

In addition, I am still finding and recycling scrap metal, which too, takes up much of my time, as I have to separate things with my trusty tools of screwdrivers, pliers, mallet and scalpels. It's often a very slow process, and with current rates as they are, pays very poorly. I don't keep track of the hours I dedicate to the metal recycling thing, but I do know that I'm getting on average about $25 to $30 per week.. Which might make one question whether it was really worthwhile or not...Still my attitude is that every penny counts, and I'm happy to report that together with the money made at the market, I am just about able to cover my monthly expenses. (plus we are putting aside a little each week and hoping to travel around australia once we are finally free to leave sydney (after my permanent residency finally gets cleared - hopefully by september next year))

Me in Russia

For several months, I was making our next door neighbour a juice daily. But a couple of months ago she got admitted in to hospital for about 6 weeks. When she came out, she was noticeably bigger than when she went in, and I guess I just gave up on her.. There is a limit to how much responsibility I want to take for other peoples problems, and really her health is clearly her issue, and if she has enough life in her to do her own cooking (which is the case), then she has enough to make her own juices. So I stopped asking her if she wanted a juice, and she's stopped telling me she wants one. Part of me feels a little guilty about not helping more, as I would so much like to see her heal herself, but being realistic, that's pretty unlikely at this stage... So I've stepped back.

I've also been helping out another neighbour lately. A Macedonian guy. He's been acting increasingly more paranoid recently, and suffering apparently from many different bodily pains and complaints. I've lost count of how many times I've repeated to him that his problems all stem from intoxication (decades of alcohol and tobacco substance abuse), and that he needs juices and fruit in his life, to cleanse him internally.. But again I am talking to a wall, and he would much rather be prescribed the multitude of pills he is now on.. The hospital want to keep him in the psych ward, and I think they probably would have if he did not have 2 bigs dogs that he hadn't insisted that no one else could look after them.

Really, I am feeling so impatient to get out in the bush somewhere, and open up some kind of healing retreat centre with Kveta.. We still have no idea how we will find, finance or manifest this place yet, but I am sure it will happen. Magic does. I really think that for many people, the only way they will pull themselves out of their destructive life threatening habits, is to get back to nature.. If they can make that step, then there is definitely more of a chance that they will make positive changes..

Actually, the vast majority of people that have any desire at all, to move to a fruit based diet, would probably need some support at some point in time.. Even myself, I know that I went for some longer periods of months at a time, eating solely fruit, but once I found myself in a lesser state of mind, or environment, I soon found myself eating lettuce, carrots and the occasional slip up of a boiled potato or 2 (all well documented in previous journal entries).. So I guess I can honestly say, that since moving here with Kveta, this has been the longest consecutive period of time that I have been pretty much all fruit. (thankyou kveta!).

This world is just full of so much sickness and suffering.. Probably especially noticeable here as we are living in government housing surrounded by a lot of people that are no doubt sicker than average.

On the way to minamurra falls - December 2008

  1. Anonymous December 22, 2008 at 8:22 PM  

    Great to "hear" from you again.

    I agree with you that there is no point in preaching for people who are just not interested in their health. Some people want everyone else to just snap their fingers and fix them without having to do anything themself.

    Here in Norway (and probably everywhere else too) everyone is psyched abotu "The Law Of Attraction" and preach about it until my ears fall of. They just don't realise that it's so much more than wishing for a new car and getting it. It's about taking responsibility for their lives, but noone sees it.
    But I'm ranting as usual....

    And you have no idea how relieving it is to hear that people such as yourself had troubles sticking to an all fruit diet in less than perfect enviroments.

    Oh and completely offtopic and random: I had a dream that I met you and Kveta last night. I dreamt I was out picking up coconuts and suddenly you two stood in my path and invited me on a fruit picnic.