May the Fourth be with you Amelia!

Posted by Fruitarian Mango | 5.5.08

Sunday was my little niece's 3rd birthday.. She's back in the UK, so needless to say, I missed it.. much as I did her 2nd one too..

I'm feeling like I'm doing a lousy job as an uncle, and godfather, and really missing not being there to witness her growing up and childhood.

I spoke briefly with her on the phone, but it was clear she had no real idea who I was, and if she remembers me at all, it'll no doubt just be vague memories by now..

me and Amelia on a bench in Spain
This is me and Amelia

Sorry Amelia!

I've probably said this already, but looks still very likely that Kveta and I will be staying in Sydney until around September 2009. All things considered, it seems the safest bet still, and the path of least resistance while my visa issues get sorted and until my foot is firmly in the door, so to speak.

The job I've been doing I've decided to quit on Friday. I've been weighing up the pros and cons of it, and despite enjoying the walking, being my own boss, with no dress code to be adhered to or need for shoes, it's always been a nagging issue with me about the whole ethics of delivering junk mail.. Like, all of it ends up in some land fill, not to mention the poor trees.. And it isn't paying me enough either..

So I really need to find myself some other work.. Something more suitable.. Not sure what yet.. Something local, flexible, outdoor when the weather's right, with no worries that my feet are unshod or that my hair is wild and unkempt..

Hopefully I might get some more extras work too.. That'd be good as that pay's pretty well and is relatively easy.

Peace to all,