Home internet..

Posted by Fruitarian Mango | 23.3.10

Just short of a week ago, we finally got ourselves reconnected to the internet.

It took us a while longer than expected due to a couple of technical issues.. Primarily because we signed up initially with telstra (australias major telephone network owner) internet, but shortly after signing up had a change of feeling about being locked in on their 24 months contract, so canceled that deal before it had really gotten started (which turned out to be lucky, as had the contract already been initiated, we would have been legally obliged to stick with them for 2 full years!!)..

anyhow, as said, we canceled the telstra internet deal, and after the dust had settled on that one, we signed up with TPG instead, and I have to say, so far, it beats telstra hands down.. far faster than the connection we had in sydney with telstra, and only a 6 month contract with the same monthly price..


me under a jackfruit tree

we're back!

checking our emails regularly, and slowly working through the backlog of stuff that has built up over the past few months of being predominantly offline..

We've settled in to our new place ok, and it feels more like home daily, although the lack of features we desire will likely forever be an issue..

daily existence is taking on its routines.. Fridays we tend to get up early and drive down to rustys market in cairns.. - we're still scoring australian durian every visit, but the season is slowly trickling to a halt though..

saturdays we generally visit the local market (actually, the "local" market changes location every week, depending on which saturday of the month it is.. like this coming saturday will be the 4th of the month, and the market will be in Yungaburra.. about 50kms drive away from where we're at.. but a ride worth making as we tend to stock up on cucumbers and tomatoes at those markets, locally grown and at prices far below the commercial businesses around the area)..

actually, we stuck some cucumber seeds in the ground pretty much as soon as we got here, and so the biggest plants are already 2 foot tall, or more, and plenty of others at intermittent sizes below that.. also our pawpaw seedlings are looking healthy, and several tomato plants are growing from seed too.. It looks like we'll be eating our own home grown cuces in under 2 months from now.. we juice them daily.. yum..

also, foodwise, the akee at fruitopia seem to have just gone through a second spurt of fruiting, and we've been fortunate enough to help liberate some of them.. when we can, we are enjoying their cheesy savouriness in abundance.. I definitely feel they are currently my number 2 fruit.. just falling short of the mighty durian.. although no doubt, if we were to have a glut of marrangs or chempadeks, they would be ousted from their 2nd position..

Life's good.. more another when..
