laptop down..

Posted by Fruitarian Mango | 14.11.09

hi all..

just a short note that our laptop crashed on us..

we took it in for repairs immediately, and after believing that it would be fixed after a few days, have just discovered that it would actually take another 1 or 2 weeks. I have the laptop back again as we have to decide whether or not it is worth repairing..

Meanwhile, this is my first time on the internet since the laptop broke, (i'm in an internet cafe!) and my email account is pretty full with stuff for me to read through and process..

I'm afraid it will have to wait, as I'm reluctant to stay here too long. So apologies, once more, for unanswered emails/comments etc..

meanwhile, kveta and i are still plotting our sydney escape that should become an actuality before the 10th of december..

kveta has also not been on the internet since the laptop went on us.. I had a couple of blog entries queued to go (on my main blog), that were posted automatically, so it may have appeared as if i was here, online, but actually wasn't..

anyhow's.. no telling when we will be back in cyberland, but we will be making efforts to get back online as soon as possible..
