First swim of the season..

Posted by Fruitarian Mango | 26.10.09

Last Tuesday (20th October), for the first time this season, I went for a swim in the sea..

As usual, for the time of year, the sea was a little cold, but nevertheless, still very refreshing..

Kveta was visiting a friend on that day, so the following day, we set out together to another local beach, and kveta had her first swim of the season too..

It's great to get back to beach life, and warmer weather, and hopefully we'll get a few more such days in before we finally up and leave our home here..

yes.. we are still making slow but sure headway toward leaving here, and setting forth northbound to the tropics..

tentatively we are currently thinking around the 10th of december, so we'll be there before the silly season starts..

giant butterfly outside our door

Meanwhile, still that ongoing sifting through things and, often reluctantly, ridding ourselves of material things which we could likely later make us of, but there's really just no simple practical way to relocate stuff to our new home.. especially considering that we don't fully know where we will settle yet..

a lot of unknown ahead of us, and a good exercise in faith.. We will basically be homeless for a while..

We reckon it will take us roughly one week to drive to the area we wish to settle (somewhere inland from cairns).. And a clearly unknown time before we find a place to call home..

Wish us luck!