2 years waiting so far.

Posted by Fruitarian Mango | 15.8.09

Well, August the 13th 2007 was the day I lodged the application for my permanent residency... That's 2 years and 2 days ago..

Officially, the application takes 2 years to process, and thus the acceptance date for my full residency is to be 13th August 2009... Only trouble is, as I think I mentioned in a previous post, it may be up to another 90 days before they actually tell me whether I have it or not..

Kveta in the Garden
Kveta in our little garden

At least the worst of the wait is over now, and, touch wood, all of the paperwork.. So should be just a question of sitting back and waiting as patiently as we can, for that letter of confirmation to arrive..

OK.. recent changes.. and updates.. Not many. Sun's shining.. Oh, I've recently been in touch with a documentary film maker in the US who wants to make a doco on fruitarianism, and is considering featuring kveta and myself in it..

Me Studying
me reading

Filming wouldn't be until end of this year, and I've told the guy we've really no idea exactly where we'll be by then, but that we are otherwise very keen to be a part of his project.

Also, a guy I used to work with some 20 years ago, Bobby, has generously donated some paypal funds which will go toward getting a newer laptop for us.. This one is on it's last legs and far too slow..

Peace to all,