Kveta singing, and Zalan..

Posted by Fruitarian Mango | 29.8.09

Hi all..

Just had my friend Zalan drop by for a couple of days.. He's a borderline fruitarian on a raw vegan predominantly fruit diet, living in central Victoria.. He drove up here, and has left his car parked outside while he spends a few weeks up in the Cairns area.. (he took the quick option getting there, and flew up a couple of days back)..

Me and Zalan, about to enjoy a durian feast

The last time we met, was in Victoria, around Christmas 2006, New Year 2007.. We seem to bump into each other ever couple of years or so..

Zalan's currently focusing on getting a book written on vegaculture.. That's what we'd like to think of as the next step after permaculture, and stands for (permanent/sustainable) vegan agriculture - Basically food production that promotes biodiversity, sustainability and free from any form of animal exploitation, including the usage of slaughtered animal byproducts such as dried blood and bone meal that are frequently used as ingredients in agricultural soil..

His website is: VegaDev.com.au

I finally bought a memory card for the new camera I got a few weeks back, and this time it works fine.. This is the first video... It's Kveta singing..

2 years waiting so far.

Posted by Fruitarian Mango | 15.8.09

Well, August the 13th 2007 was the day I lodged the application for my permanent residency... That's 2 years and 2 days ago..

Officially, the application takes 2 years to process, and thus the acceptance date for my full residency is to be 13th August 2009... Only trouble is, as I think I mentioned in a previous post, it may be up to another 90 days before they actually tell me whether I have it or not..

Kveta in the Garden
Kveta in our little garden

At least the worst of the wait is over now, and, touch wood, all of the paperwork.. So should be just a question of sitting back and waiting as patiently as we can, for that letter of confirmation to arrive..

OK.. recent changes.. and updates.. Not many. Sun's shining.. Oh, I've recently been in touch with a documentary film maker in the US who wants to make a doco on fruitarianism, and is considering featuring kveta and myself in it..

Me Studying
me reading

Filming wouldn't be until end of this year, and I've told the guy we've really no idea exactly where we'll be by then, but that we are otherwise very keen to be a part of his project.

Also, a guy I used to work with some 20 years ago, Bobby, has generously donated some paypal funds which will go toward getting a newer laptop for us.. This one is on it's last legs and far too slow..

Peace to all,

Well, kveta got back punctually. No delays, and all in one piece though of course jet-lagged and with swollen ankles from the journey and over exposure to the air conditioning of the plane (she reacts strongly to air-con)..

That was already 6 days ago, last Thursday morning. Since then we've just been relaxing, taking it easy, and feasting on the occasional durian.

Sunny Winter in Sydney

For the weekend, we set to work finalising those immigration papers I received nearly 2 months ago. The deadline for getting them done and filled out is in about 2 days from now, so it as a bit of a last minute rush thing..

Anyhow, we had them filled and signed by a GP witness by Sunday afternoon, and the following day, (Monday, 2 days ago), I sent them off by Platinum Express (recorded, registered next day delivery). So hopefully that'll be the last of the paperwork and it's just a question of waiting for that certificate saying I'm a permanent resident..

Mango on The Coast Golf Course

I can tell you that it is a great relief to finally have those papers out of my hands and sent of..

Actually, looking through my old paperwork, I see that it was 13th August 2007 that we lodged the residency application, which means, I think, that it'll be the 13th August this year (in just a little over a week) that if all goes well, my permanent residency will be valid from. Excepting that I may not know that for up to 90 days from the date those papers we just sent are received by immigration in Melbourne..

Enjoying Winter

Kveta and I still haven't taken any new pictures since she got back, and the photos she took while in the Czech Republic are still on the camera and USB stick she took with her. We'll get to downloading and uploading some soon enough.. and while still on the subject of cameras, the new one I bought recently is still missing a memory card and i'm still unsure if the problem is with the camera or the card.

I had my 48th birthday a few days ago.. We're not really in to birthdays and that kind of stuff, so no big deal.. The sun's shining and the future is looking bright.