My interview on ABC radio as a Fruitarian.

Posted by Fruitarian Mango | 17.3.09

Life's treating me well as always, and the days are still flying past incredibly quickly.

Kveta has decided to head back to the Czech Republic again this year.. She'll be visiting her parents, sister and other family and friends, plus possibly meet up with some of the czech raw food crew.

She leaves at the end of May, and gets back end of July.. So 2 months all up.. and then, before we know it, I should, if all goes to plan, have my permanent residency visa within just a few short weeks of her getting back.

Meanwhile, I'll be staying put and minding the fort.. I have no problem to keep myself occupied, and have no doubts that time will continue moving at the same pace it always does.

Yesterday, I was contacted by my friend Zalan in Victoria. He informed me that ABC radio were looking for a fruitarian to interview live, yesterday afternoon.

So, a phone call or 2 later, and I'd signed myself up for a live interview.. First time I've been interviewed on Radio since the day before I left Norway.. Seems like another lifetime ago..

Anyhow, 16:20 yesterday afternoon, Richard Glover rang me directly from his radio show, and we chatted on air for 7 or 8 minutes..

It was short and sweet, and needless to say, I only got to say a fraction of what needs to be said, but it all went pretty smoothly, and hopefully I managed to get the idea across in a level-headed enough manner to make some people think..

If you want to listen to the interview, the ABC website has made it available for anyone to play or even download.

Just click on the image below, taken directly from the Australian ABC website:

ABC Richard Glover interviews Mango

I'm still occasionally interviewing different fruitarians that I stumble upon online, and posting the interviews on my main blog... Rudolf from Germany/Spain has also interviewed me too, and I'll be posting that interview when I'm done with it, too..

I'm still selling the golf balls when I find them, here are a couple of pictures from the place where I sit and wait for golfing customers..
