Giving thanks..

Posted by Fruitarian Mango | 18.9.08

I really have to say, that today is such a wonderful day!

The sun is shining, the air is clean here, and the garden is green with seedlings.. The strawberries are flowering, and the tomatoes are looking healthy..

I have so much to be thankful for in this life of mine..

I know I might complain sometimes, that I don't have this or that, but the truth is, I really have it all.

I have a woman who loves me despite my many faults.

I'm living in Australia with every chance of being able to relocate to the tropics here, (once the political immigration side of things is fully done and dusted) and find a good rich soil place to settle and focus my life on fruit tree growing and other positive aspects in a world otherwise laden with crazinesses.

I have a fantastic job, if one can even call it that.. Checking the bins, for scrap metal.. Sitting in the sunshine with a screwdriver and pair of pliers. No one to tell me what hours, or what uniform. If it's raining and cold I can sit inside with a hot water bottle, but summer is in the air, and those days are mostly over..

I've traveled lots, seen lots, learned lots, and give thanks to all those things.

I believe in the power of manifestation, and the principles behind "The Secret", that positive thoughts materialise in positivity! I have proved this to myself countless times, even before I had even heard of the "the secret"..

Life is good, and getting better for each day, and I thank you all for being part of it.

PS Kveta gets back home tomorrow!!

Brief rundown of the past month or so..

Posted by Fruitarian Mango | 9.9.08

Hi all,

Well.. it's been an interesting month or so for me..

As I've mentioned already, Kveta is holidaying in Europe.. Predominantly at the village and house of her parents and sister's family in the Czech republic, but also she's spent some time on the Greek Isle of Zakynthos, together with her mum.

I speak to her fairly regularly on the phone, so we're keeping each other updated.

Myself, I've been home alone, missing her, of course, but still enjoying life on me tod.

White Flame on a La Perouse beachToward the beginning of last month, I met up with White Flame (Interviewed here). He's got himself a 2 year student visa for studying here in Sydney.. We didn't pick the best day fo a rendezvous , it was a little cold, windy and intermittent heavy rain.. I showed him a couple of our local beaches, we managed a couple of brisk walks and avoided getting soaked for the most of it...

As I've also mentioned, the laptop died on me at one point. Leaving me offline and disconnected for a while.. I think it did me good.

I'm not one that gets easily bored, and seem to always find something to occupy my mind and time with, and not having the internet, meant I was obliged to focus a certain amount of my time elsewhere..

I believe I've actually found myself a source of income. The flood gates aren't exactly opened, but definitely a steady trickle.. I've mentioned it before, but never really fully realised the potential - It's the scrap metal recycling thing I wrote of a while back. I've started going for walks around all the local area, checking the footpaths and bins for discarded metal objects.. Pretty much anything except steel..

The real money seems to be in copper, which the scrap metal yards will pay around $6000 a tonne for.. ($6 a kilo - obviously I'm talking Ozzie dollars here)..

Such a difference to that junk mail delivery job I did for a month or so before coming to my senses.. (Yikes! Sometimes I'm soo slow!).. This time, I'm rescuing rubbish from being thrown into land fills.. Old TV sets, computer monitors, discarded aluminum cans and door frames, window frames, pots and pans, electrical leads (PVC coated copper), car radiators, car batteries, transformers etc etc.. ..

me on the same beachEvery time I see a drinks can, I think there's 1 and half cents.. And shoot, I know that's not much, but like I said, it's a trickle, and these past few weeks I've been getting between $30 and $50 a week from it.. Actually just under $60 for the last lot..

The plus side is I'm entirely my own boss.. I can leave the house when I want to, no one complains that my feet are unclod or hair and beard feral.. It's easy, and for the most part just means either walking and collection, or just sitting with a hammer and screwdriver in the sunshine..

The downside is I've cut my hands up some, but have invested in a pair of cotton gardening gloves which are hopefully preventing that kind of bother..

I'm not after making a material fortune in this life, but I am after an abundance, and really I wouldn't need to be making much more than I do to consider it an abundance.. So long as all my monthly expenses get covered (very meager amount), and a little extra for travel and (the everything else encompassing) stuff..

The garden is really taking off. There's a bumper crop of broad beans, that for a while I thought where just flowering but not actually producing any beans, but I see now many small beans forming).. Heaps of tomato seedlings that I've put into beds, everything being fed from all the fruit scraps that get buried regularly throughout the whole garden, and of course the seaweed I collect, and thick layers of mulch that make watering pretty much unnecessary..

I'm sure there's more. Oh yes, almost forgot.. Had another 3 hours of work as an extra.. delicate nature.. I got paid $200..

Oh and yes, I've been in touch with the local community building administration people, and suggested I give a talk on Natural Hygienism.. (I figured an all out fruit approach would be more than they could handle!).. To test if there'd be anyone interested, I wrote a short 200 word introduction to it for their quarterly newspaper due out in the next week or so.
I've also tentatively suggested I possibly organise getting started some community gardens, and get the local kids involved.. I think there's some kind of annual general meeting coming up, and the proposals will be put forward.

OK.. more updates another when..

Hugs to all,