My New Friend..

Posted by Fruitarian Mango | 15.7.08

Australian MagpieI was walking out the back from where we live yesterday.. on a rather large piece of wasteland.. Actually, I was on a mission..filling up some plastics bags with some decomposing straw mix that someone has dumped there..

I'm using the mulch in the garden, and around the fruit trees I am planting round the place.. (I hope I can safely say that the trees are pretty safe now, and have not been pulled up.. There's a total of 5 that've been given new homes so far.. 4 avocado trees and 1 mulberry tree.. There was a mango tree too, but that seems to have disappeared, but I believe that was just weather or mistakenly trodden on or something)..

Australian Magpie

Anyhow, where was I? .. Oh yes I was over in the field collecting the straw, when I spotted this magpie who seemed very curious to what I was up to..

I dropped what I was doing, and turned my attention to him, as he seemed real friendly and inquisitive.. He came right close to me when I talked to him, and stood practically just a couple of feet away from me, almost letting me touch him.


Anyhow, I left with the bags, and he flew, hopped behind me, following me, and I wondered to myself if he would let me photograph him..

I returned home to fetch the camera, and on arrival back in the field, I called out to him (or her? I must admit I'm no ornithologist), and from a tree, he flew back to meet me, landing just a meter from my feet...

And yes, appeared quite content with me taking some pictures..


I returned to the field again today, to get more mulch, and was once more greeted by (I believe) the same magpie..

Reminds me of the cockatoo I befriended in far north queensland some 10 or 11 years ago..


  1. Anonymous July 15, 2008 at 7:25 PM  

    aww that'so cute. Have you ever tried animal communication?

  2. Anonymous July 16, 2008 at 12:10 AM  

    Beautiful bird! I'm sure s/he could sense you are different from most. :)