Durian letdown..

Posted by Fruitarian Mango | 22.6.10

On saturday, just passed, I went to the Malanda market and stocked up on food for the week.

Pineapples, custard apples, papaya, mandarins, tomatoes, persimmons, cucumbers and avos..

I already had a box of oranges back at home, enough to last me the rest of this week, at least, but somehow I felt like I wanted more..

So driving back through Atherton, I stopped off at Woolworths to check out if they had anything appealing...

One sad and lonely little durian caught my eye, and some juicy looking medjool dates.. I can never resist eating a date while browsing the fresh produce, but don't normally buy any, but for a change, I bought a handful, together with the lonesome durian..

The durian was devoured before I'd even got back to base.. First one I'd had for quite a while now.. well.. at least a month say.. (for those of you curious, I'm on me tod at the moment.. Kveta is away visiting friends and family)..

Anyhow, today, having still the taste of that durian in my mouth, I felt like more.. So I drove back out to Atherton for 2nds.. actually 3rds too.. I bought 2 medium sized ones..

But what a let down! Saturday's one was reasonable, not the best, but satisfying and appealing enough for me to want more, but today's were frankly very disappointing.. watery and flavourless.

Woolies durian are generally pretty crappy up this ways.. They're frozen in Thailand and shipped to Sydney where they arrive reasonably fresh.. but then they have to get them up from Sydney to this neck of the woods, a good 3 or 4 day journey..

And there-in lies the problem.. instead of keeping them frozen for the journey, they are just refrigerated, so by the time they get here, they are all thawed out and past their peek..

I kind of knew that already, and had told Kveta in the past that I don't want any more of them, but, you know how it is when you feel you want something, and saturday's one must have been a freak that was actually flavoursome and good enough for me to return for more..

So.. no more woolies durian for me thanks.. I should save the durian money for a trip to the philipines instead,, or back to Thailand again..

absolutely delicious custard apples though!!


Facebook angst..

Posted by Fruitarian Mango | 20.6.10

A short while ago, i posted to facebook the intro to the fruitarian documentary made by Emile with the help of David..

I think they did a great job with that by the way, and I'm still looking forward to seeing the finished version of which Emile finished recently (he aired it to a an audience of a couple of hundred or so, and the general feeling was it went down well, sparking the curiousity of many toward fruitarianism..)..

- the video above isn't the video I'm talking about, by the way.. that can be seen here:

Fruitarian Doco Intro

anyhow.. like i said, i posted the video onto facebook.. I've had an account since sometime last year, but generally don't go there, as quite frankly it confuses the bijeebers out of me.. I signed up predominantly to hook up with some old friends, and maybe view their photos or videos, and just generally keep in touch.. Certainly, I looked up a fair few old faces I once knew quite well, people that I'm guessing without facebook I'd probably never have heard from again.. So there was a certain degree of success there..

So then, that video got posted, and suddenly my inbox was inundated with friend requests.. I ummed and aahd a fair bit about them.. Only few of the people I'd heard of, and the rest friends of friends, and even some complete strangers..

this morning i was messing around on facebook again, and made the very rash decision to just befriend everybody.. so i just clicked on each "make friends" button, one after the other.. about 30 or so in all..

and now i've done that, i'm feeling strangely deeply saddened by the fact.. like i betrayed myself, because i really just wanted to have people i personally "know", like, having met them in the flesh, as friends, and now i've just gone and forsaken my ploy, and got heaps of new friends i don't know.

i'm almost feeling a little like canceling my facebook account as it doesn't exactly bring more joy into my life..

i think i'll just abandon it for a while, and stick to my blogs, that's enough for me.. i feel i don't want to get too involved in much internetwise.. i feel pretty much done with the whole forum thing, and debating my opinion everywhere.. it's like, i feel quite committed and certain of the path i've chosen, and have no doubts that 100% fruitarianism is the right thing for me to be doing right now..

i'm going outside for some sunshine..

ps hope you enjoy the video i posted here too.. made me laugh as i found myself relating well to it's content..